Long time, no blog!

Long time, no blog!

It’s been a while, but I have reasons

It’s been a long five months of silence on the project. That’s not due to inactivity, rather it’s due to overwhelming activity on the project and on a personal level. Once the ceiling was in place, I needed to get the floor in before proceeding. Late July and August was filled with a five week delay in obtaining the flooring. I changed my mind on the flooring I was going to use and the first two shipments of the new floor had to be returned. During that time, I took a much needed 2 week vacation that was fabulous!

Did I mention that while I was out of town my home was broken into? The busted through the door wall in the back yard. I’m so grateful for friends who came to put up plywood sheets to cover the opening for me! I came home to a big mess.

My Bella is gone ?

Fast forward to September and I lost my beautiful fur baby, Bella. She was my buddy, faithful friend and companion. I miss her so much!

A tale of two kitties ??

In October and November, I was able to make some serious progress. I’ll post another blog with photo updates. Also during October, I went to a beautiful wedding in Boston and adopted a kitten! My other fur baby Bailey had been lonely after Bella was gone and I decided that she needed a new playmate. Kahlua was just the answer I think we were both looking for.

Had a great time at the wedding!

Devastating news ~ I love you so much Dad!

Just as I was hitting my stride and moving ever closer to completion in December, my father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is now in hospice. Needless to say, that revelation has totally devastated me. I’ll get back to it when time and motivation returns.

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