Norwegian She Shed

Norwegian She Shed

Welcome to my first ever blog post. I’m so happy you’re here!

Yesterday was the first major step in achieving my goal of getting Koselig Helligdom built. As you know, all good things start with a solid foundation. For the shed, that means a 12×12 cement pad, complete with a rat wall. Ok rat lovers, I’m not saying I don’t like rats. I just don’t want them taking up residence in my shed! The guys came early and I provided refreshments when the sun started rising in the sky. When they left, the forms were in and ready for inspection on Monday.

The issues of a job not so well done.

I inspected the job closely after they left and was not happy with the results. I messaged the owner and told him I felt it would not pass inspection. The rat wall trench was about 5 inches shy of the 24 inch requirement on depth, and the rat wall tranches didn’t go all the way to what will be the edge of the slab. As a result, the floor would extend beyond the rat wall and the winter freeze and thaw of the ground below (remember, I’m in Michigan) could cause the floor to heave up! He agreed to have someone there at 8:00am on Monday to resolve the issues. Looks like I’ll be calling the inspector early Monday morning to ask him to come at the end of the day or even Tuesday.

Concerns going forward

My main cause for concern is that we’re looking at a week of more rain. They can’t pour cement in the rain, so not sure what day that will happen. I went to my local Home Depot to purchase a waterproof tarp so I can cover the forms and trenches to prevent them from filling up during the rains. I’m finding that with big projects it’s always something. Wish me luck this week!

Everyone needs and old, beat up wheelbarrow
Step one in the process of realizing my goal, forms for the cement pad.

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