Shed savior arrives

Shed savior arrives

Assistant manager George arrives

George came by last Monday to fix 5he egregious errors made by the team that was there to ‘complete’ the project a few days prior. He removed the door and front window and reinstalled them properly. He replaced the support under the door threshold and added a band of trim around the bottom of the shed. This certainly improved the look and George appeared,both surprised and disappointed that the group did not do that. The shed was now complete and awaiting inspection.

New problems arrive

Even after George fixed everything, there were still a couple of leaks near the door and window. This caused him to make a final visit to caulk more around the door and window last Saturday as well as caulk all the horizontal cracks of the new trim boards installed around the shed. We’ve had rain sincerely then and so far the interior has remained dry! While the assessor arrived, because the township wants more tax revenue, the building inspector has yet to sign off.

Door and window removed to be reinstalled properly
George doing things right
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